it’s been real New York. New york, new york! Half the challenge i was expecting. I pushed myself more than the city pushed me. And the city pushed me more when i pushed myself to the brink. On two occasions i almost found myself in financial squalor. Physically i pushed myself. Spiritually i experienced love and the indefinite letting go of such shackles; accomplishment, persistence, and achievement for my first self-established business. I was fired from two jobs for being myself. I survived using my two skills of hip-hop showmanship and giving tennis lessons. I put myself in the eyes of strangers, overcoming the mass-mind’s doubts and judgments, earned love from the disenfranchised who always gave a buck when they were one’s with the least to have, and yet most importantly genuinely connected heart-to-heart in the form of sincere due regards and praise for the boy’s talent. I made $377+ busking the city over a 4-month period, performing about 3x a week. I made $2,500+ giving tennis lessons ( over a 3-month period. I spent 5 months in NYC. Never receiving a parking ticket, #hamduillah. I sharpened my art of persistence. To not burn bridges no matter what events soured relations. I experienced The fucked up culture of judgment, of a material driven society and environment. The realness of NYC absorbing mental energy and bringing mental illness to mofuckas having experienced episodes of lack in myself. It was about The test, i came for the test. My NYC Strategic Plan and Vision Statement from day one read,
“Whether i succeed or not is beyond the point… I want to face the challenge of NYC…. to build my character through trial and error. Through fear and failure. To elevate to a stature I’ve never felt before through my perseverance, persistence, and courageous resilience.” - suleiman
In the end, I think living in the real world and yet maintaining and holding high ideals, is the road toward greatness. No matter who you are or what your occupation is, to quote my close brother and roommate, my jewish New Yorker brother who eloquently introduced me to his unique, well rounded, wise, and valuable perspective on life, as he so often said upon waking up from sleep as gracefully as-if amidst conversational dialogue in wide-awakeness just minutes before: “What’s important is how well you feel about what you did. Not how other people feel about how you did. you know..” -Chris Jacobs
S/o to the middle eastern vendors for the inexpensively good-tasting chicken and rice meals that delivered the appetite’s wants; the Bengali mesjids that provided a station for wudu, introspection, and recuperation; the NYU MSA for the free meals during Ramadan and the sometimes stellar khutba’s; Sara for the experience and spiritual challenge and indirect strengthening of thyself through the ebb and flow of what was; and Universe for the opportunities, the blessings, the serendipitous openings of doors and the timely closure of an entropic and reinvented love. To Iram, for the blessed friendship and being the unique warrior. To Shahn for sustaining my survival unbeknownst to him in such a consistent manner as a result of his own discipline and focus to become the best tennis player possible. To Derek Pankaew for the opportunity and open-heartedness and genuine support when you were levels advanced. Maybe i’ll see New York again. I hope to meet Atlanta; #1 in tennis and the epicenter of the rap industry. I’m headed to Palestine. My goal: to evermore manifest thy vision for self. . to evolve. to surely begin another chapter… Special shoutout to Deeksha. And to Bumble Bee Tennis. Shoutout to Tareq from AHUS; For all who are reading my blog post right here and now, feel free to use the promo code “suleiman” if you buy from this dope clothing company, based out of Brooklyn – And last but not least, much love and thanks to Tina Valentina for her hospitality, cordiality, and inexpensive rental cost of $400/month (utilities included) in Kensington, BROOKLYN.
Stretch yourself. Push the limits….Most achievement involves some leaps of faith. This is how human beings grow.. by stretching. If you keep doing what you’ve always done you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got. If you continually look for bigger challenges, then you grow. Stretching means moving out of your comfort zone. It is important to have big dreams so you can grow into them. The bigger the challenge is, the greater the reward.
More clips of me performing in the NY City underground:
In the end, it's not about the money. It's about the story-line.
Monday, October 23rd, 2017